
Confidential to Junior:  You have a lot of nerve.  We're I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, but you better snap out of it, stat.

Confidential to Junior, Part 2:  Fuck around and find out.

Confidential to Perry:  Leave your bags at the door.  We might, we might not.  Don't ask, we'll tell.

Confidential to Mrs., Ms. and Mr. Manners:  We have a problem, yo - can you solve it?  I guess we'll find out.

Confidential to The Third:  Really convenient of you to pull a geographical - your timing could not be worse, honestly, so, you know - smoke on that.

Confidential to The Powers That Were:  I'd sue for damages, but where to begin?

Confidential to The Cosmic Connection:  Thanks for the pretty rocks.  I don't know if I'm using them right, but if I open a portal to hell, well - it was fun while it lasted.

Confidential to Emil S:  Thanks for being at the right place, right time.

Confidential to CoRVette:  Thanks... I guess. We mean well.  It's a long road.

Confidential to The Villagers:  If not for you.  Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Confidential to Tina B:  We will get through this.  Eventually.

Confidential to Beast:  The number you have reached is the top end of my limit.  Please take a deep breath, or a nap, and try again later.

Confidential to Foggy B:  Bye.

Confidential to the Felicias:  Flounce, bye!

Confidential to FF:  Thanks for the recharge.

Confidential to the Fat Cats:  Read the room, ladies.  And I'll keep on squeaking.

Confidential to Helen Sprigg:  Stay where you are, I'll be back.

Confidential to Big Pharma:  Keep plugging at it.

Confidential to Baked on 8th:  I wish I could quit you - but thanks for the treats.

Confidential to Clovis:  She's grateful.  I'm gratefuller.

Confidential to Ida, et. al.:  Let's do this thing.

Confidential to SHOP:  Let's do this other thing.

Confidential to The Captives:  Stand back, I'm going to do this thing that may blow your mind.  Or amuse you briefly.  

Confidential to Vanilla Chip:  See you soonish.

Confidential to Washington R.:  Thanks for the reminder to be more of some things, less of others.

Confidential to Mystery Man:  Please hang in there. There are better days ahead.

Confidential to You: Thanks for reading this.


* Many of these are aliases.


Christopher said…
Not so confidentially I laughed like crazy at this. It's probably just as well I haven't started Baked on 8th so I haven't had to worry about quitting them.