Blood and Sweat, Hold the Tears.

We got back last Sunday from an extended visit to the North Georgia mountains.  While we were there, we accomplished a lot of work on the family cabin.  Painting, sanding, sealing, cleaning, fixing, replacing.

And we also had a lot of fun.  Eating, drinking, visiting, partying, socializing, connecting, fireworks-gazing, meeting...

There was a lot of -ing to the week.

It's good to be home.  We both have a little poison ivy breakout from cutting back some brush near a tree.  I saw it amongst the other vines when it was too late.  It could be worse.  It could always be better, though.  The good news is, I love the smell of Calamine lotion.

I'm easing into my first full work week since taking vacation. It hurts a little.

Now that the 4th of July is over, they're starting to put school supplies back in the stores, and for me, composition books with nice covers are kryptonite.  Also, good pens.  I love a great stationery spree.

We are starting to pack up here at the office, and it is, as they say, what it is.   I need to get my space at home fixed up to start bringing in the essentials - monitors, docking station, keyboard... the works.

I'll box up the non-essentials - my jar of marbles, my Miss Roswell High School participants trophy, various greeting cards.  They can go in the attic.  Along with the box I packed up when I left my last job.

I'm a nester, obviously.  And also a pack rat.

But here's the thing - I had some actual pack rats to deal with up at the cabin, and that is a whole big mess.  There were several drawers filled with acorns, pilfered trash bags, string, bits of fluff, straw, feathers, even molted snake skin.

I'm sure if some creature, way larger than I had to clean out my desk, they would be astounded.  Why does she have so much lipstick?  What's with the collection of Sharpies?  What does she do with a jar of marbles?

Is she ever planning to eat that pouch of pre-prep Indian food in her drawer?  Why does she have so many toys?

The things people leave behind is fun.  Like an archeological dig.  With fewer fossils.



Christopher said…
There's a plant you could have probably found in the mountains called jewel weed. The sap from the stems is great for poison ivy, but if you love the smell of Calamine that's just as good.
It's also really sad to box up office stuff. The office becomes, if not a home away from home, a place of your own. It was strange for me to have to remove everything from my former cubicle, and even stranger to help clean out the cubicle of a coworker who retired and decided not to come back. They hadn't left anything personal but they had a ton of guides and training manuals dating back to the '80's. It's still a mystery as to why they held onto those.