On E

Well, my robins left over the weekend.  I happened to catch the last one as he hurled himself out of the nest then hopped the length of the yard and was gone.  I think he was waiting to say goodbye.  Because I was taking a picture, and once I finished, he left.

Stalwart Lasty

I miss them.  There's a chance that the mother might come back and lay another clutch.  I am not counting on it.  But who knows?

It was magical, and I am glad I got to be there for as much as I did.   

In other news... well, I realize we are getting closer and closer to the end of having an office.  I need to start making a plan for my own space at the house.  Maybe I should take a cue from the robins and build a desk out on the deck.  I mean, rain is a problem - securing monitors would take work.  We don't have any outlets outside.  

Don't worry folks, I'll figure it out.

In the world of Nashville restaurants... do you like Thai?  Well, great - go check out Degthai on Nolensville Pike.  It's quite delightful.  Small menu, but Matt's red curry and my Tiew Tom Yum Goong were excellent.  I had wanted to try it for awhile, and the opportunity presented itself Sunday.

My nephew turns 16 tomorrow.  I started this blog right before he was born.  So this blog is also sixteen.

In other anniversary type news, I celebrate my 7th anniversary with my company tomorrow.

Lucky seven.

I bought myself a little something to celebrate.  Once it arrives, I'll share it.  That's the plan.

But I guess for now, I'll just finish out my day.  You do the same!



Christopher said…
Deg Thai is definitely a place I'll have to try. The Chinese restaurant near us that did a Sunday dim sum closed, which we only learned when we made plans to go there.
And congratulations on your blog and nephew being old enough to drive.