How does it feeeeeeeel?

 So here's the news.

Sunday night, I woke up with back pain.  I thought I had pulled a muscle.  But it got worse.  And worse, and stretching didn't help.  Nor did Icy Hot.  Nor did a hot shower.  So at 2AM, I pulled on some clothes, grabbed my keys, and drove myself to the ER.

Kidney stone.  And a pretty decent one.  Six millimeters.

Obviously, mine isn't a diamond, but ouch!!!

So, they put me on dilaudid, which was lovely, and did a scan, and also made a few jabs about my overall health (whatever dude, just keep the meds coming).  I left with a scrip for pain meds, and a request to follow up with a urologist.  I called first thing Monday AM, and they were able to see me the very next morning.  Which was yesterday. 

The nice doc told me that if he were me, he'd get it blasted with a lithotripsy, and hopefully pee sand.

And it just so happened, they have a opening tomorrow.  So I'm getting it handled. 

My friend Jim is going to be my responsible adult and take me there/home.  By this time tomorrow I'll be home and resting comfortably.  I think.

So that's what's up with me here.  

Rock and ROLL!!!!!



Christopher said…
Oh no. I had an all too similar experience: woke up with pain, went to the emergency room at around 4 in the morning. It was the morning of Christmas eve and I got to listen to the nurse who took my X-rays talk about how hungover she was so congratulations on much better timing.
I hope you're feeling better by now and this too shall pass.