It is not lost on me that I get paid to tell people how to do their job - a job I do not actually do myself.
Which is a pretty sweet gig, if you must know.
At present, I'm busy writing training material for one of our seasoned lines of business that is changing some of its ways. I have passed it to the stakeholders for a look - we'll see what they think.
That's work. That takes up a considerable part of my life right now.
The part that isn't work is a fair amount of sleep - though I could always, always use more. There's also laundry, groceries and deck sitting with Piper.
Even though I'm fully vaccinated, the social part of my life is still idling in neutral. And I think that's OK. One month from tomorrow, barring something catastrophic, my company is allowing people to come back into the office. I am thrilled. I have an outfit picked out - though, I haven't tried it on in awhile, so that might be a good idea...
There won't be tons of us going back in. Most people have decided that work from home suits them, and that's great - for them. It's like Alan Thicke wrote in the Diff'rent Strokes theme song. "What might be right for you, may not be right for some."
That's correct, Alan Thicke wrote that theme song. He also co-wrote the Facts of Life with his then wife, Gloria Loring and another guy, Al Burton.
Gloria and Alan begat Robin, who gave us Blurred Lines. I don't care if that song isn't woke, I love it. When Dad was in rehab after his stroke, I remember pulling into the facility in my car and all but screaming along to the lyric, "You're the hottest bitch in this place".
Alan Thicke was a prolific composer of gameshow theme songs. Joker's Wild, Wheel of Fortune... and several lesser shows.
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Joker! Joker! Trip to Acapulco!!!! |
I'm a huge fan of TV Theme songs. I once heard Seth MacFarlane, of Family Guy fame giving an interview on, I think, Fresh Air... and talking about why he opted for a big production theme song for his show, and he expressed appreciation of the theme song as art, which I think it is. I mean, think about Fresh Prince of Bel Air, The Brady Bunch and Gilligan's Island. In a quick song, they introduce the premise of the show. Think about Cheers. That's a brilliant song in and of itself - but it is the epitome of Cheers, isn't it? M*A*S*H*? Friends? These are all great songs.
This is where, I think, I fell in love with television and wanted to study it in school. I still love television, though it has changed markedly in the years since I went to college and the time I graduated. One of the biggest changes is the lack of theme songs, dammit.
As a young kid, I wanted my getting-married-come-down-the-aisle song to be the theme from The Muppet Show. I liked it - it sounded big and aspirational - huge build up to the main event. I scratched that idea at some point. I walked in to Handel's La Rejouissance, if my memory serves me. We walked out to Young-Holt Unlimited's Soulful Strut. It was awesome. It was perfect.
Well, that's a rabbit hole we fell down today, isn't it?
Keep on keeping on.
It takes a lot to get 'em right, when you're learning the facts of life.
Anyway - that's my tangent for the day, I think,
Although when I think of Alan Thicke I think of commercials for his short-lived talk show "Thicke Of The Night" where he made fun of how most people didn't know who he was. In one bit he's standing in line at a place that has "Thick Shakes" and he tells the guy in front of him, "That's my name up there, almost." And the guy says, "What, Shakes?" It's funny but it seems like even in 1983 more people should have known Alan Thicke.