I decided that I'm not making resolutions for 2021. Why? Because that would indicate that I feel a sense of stability, and that I have control over my destiny. If I have learned anything from 2020, it's that best-laid plans gang aft a'gley. Or something.
I can't control most of the things that happen in this world. What I can control is my reaction to those things.
Here are a few of the things I can control:
1. My diet.
2. My finances.
3. My work.
4. My leisure time.
5. My part of relationships with other people.
6. Whether I answer my phone or not.
7. How clean my house is (or isn't).
8. How much news and social media I consume.
9. My health and safety practices.
10. Who influences me.
I can't control other people, and their versions of the above. Influence, sure - but control is a no-go. See #10.
So, rather than resolutions, my plan for 2021 is to be a good manager of those ten items above. Answering the phone as a knee-jerk is one habit I am really trying to break. Sometimes, it's not a good time, and I can let it go to voicemail. I don't have to eat a cold dinner, or delay starting a movie, or whatever because my phone rings.
I want to keep doing well and having fun at work. And I want to maintain my close friendships, cultivate some newer friendships, and stay away from the virus. I also want another six donations year with the Red Cross, if possible. It may time out to five, but that's fine.
But mostly, I want to eat more veggies, drink more water, get more fresh air, sunshine and activity. I want to keep my mind active, healthy, and working creatively.
I want to love my family, pet my dog, and remember that I am enough just like I am.
I want to do all of those things with care and prudence until we've all been vaccinated, and even thereafter.
I want to fact-check, avoid speculation and gossip, and try for truth, data and hope.
So, not resolutions per se - just a list of my capabilities and priorities. You know, basically... rebranded resolutions.
But at least it wasn't another year of me posting with the title "You Say You Want a Resolution?" and thinking I'd never done that before.