A to Z

Allison - my first name - also splits out into my basic philosophy - All. Is. On.

Brown - my eye color, hair color, and favorite gravy

Cedar Waxwings - the most magical birds in the world

Ding Dong - Avon's calling, the witch is dead, or hockey puck shaped Hostess confection?

Ectomy - what they did with my tonsils and adenoids about a decade ago (worth it!)

F*** - the only bomb this pacifist will drop

Greens - I eat with(out) jam and (corn)bread

Harry's - Where I learned the skills to pay the bills, and first ate Indian food

Indian - food I will always be in the mood for

Journalism - my major in college, and a dying field

Kansas - the state in which my nephew was born, where you get good burnt ends, and some dying fields

Lola - my first dog, also a showgirl (different Lola)

Mrs. - what I became when I married Matt

Neighborhood - mine is called Sunnyside, and I love that.

Opossums - Piper's prey, and the scourge of our back yard

Piper - a killing machine, therapist, and fur covered stress ball

QuikTrip - the best gas stations - I really miss them and Mapco isn't as good

Religion  - the smile on a dog

Sucks to be you - the punchline of one of my favorite stories

Thanks for nothing - the punchline of another of my favorite stories

Underwear - as my grandfather used to say, if you wore it around your neck, you'd change it more often

Vinho Verde - the best cheap white wine you're not drinking

WTF - if this year were a radio station, these would be the call letters

X-Rated movies - I've seen a few and I think they're overrated, but Fritz the Cat was pretty good

Yo-yo - A great toy for kids of all ages, also a common interjection in the musical Hamilton

Zero, Coca Cola - the best soft drink on the planet