Late Year Musings

Howdy, everyone.  Today is the first day of Winter, which means that we are experiencing the shortest day of the year, and by that logic, the longest night.

Given that it's raining out, we're not seeing a ton of daylight anyway, but man, I am ready for the days to start getting longer.  After today, they will, albeit incrementally.

There are churches that use this day to provide Blue Christmas services.  They provide message of healing and better times ahead to people who are in their personal darkest days.  I like the idea of that.  It's hard for some people this time of year who may have trouble hacking their way through the overgrowth of their emotional state to enjoy the lights, presents and celebrations.  And it's nice that they have a way to know they aren't alone.

I would have to say my emotional state is kind of all over the place. I am anxious about getting everything assembled and gathered for the holidays, but thankfully, everything seems to be coming together about as easily as it can.  Which... is what it is.  Yesterday I was feeling a little melancholy, but in a way that was more sweet than bitter.  I am honestly about 98% happy, but there are always going to be small irritants.

Last night, Piper and I went to bed early.  I don't really know that I slept exceptionally well, but I got "enough" sleep.  I am mentally awake, but my body is feeling a little run down.  That may very well be because I haven't made many good food choices for the past... year.  But some of it is weather - my sinuses are in agony.  I have what I call the Raccoon Mask of Pain.

Image result for raccoon mask
Received a rejection letter from McSweeney's today.  I think that I'll just need to keep chipping away at it.  The rejected material will appear soon on my own blog, so I don't think it was a wasted effort.  I enjoyed writing it - so that's never a waste.

I am essentially done with gift shopping.  I need to get a few last minute things for a few last minute people, but nothing that can't be done with a quick stop somewhere easyish.

Not easy, mind you. Just easyish. 

So that's me and mine.  How are you and yours?

Enjoy your short day and long night.

We'll talk again before Christmas.

