If you are easily upset by violence or blood - even the fake kind - just watch this video then don't read the rest of the post.
If you're curious, read on.
One of the things we do at my company is build web-based content for safety training.
And one of the hot topics these days is "Active Shooter" training - basically, when a crazy white dude with a gun* comes into the office, what do you do?
So, this weekend, I volunteered to be at the office while they taped and photographed footage for a new class they wanted to create.
It was... interesting.
I hate violence. I hate guns. So, it was kind of odd for me to step up and spend a day with all that. But, what it really came down to was this - I love special effects make-up and acting. I also love the people in the content development department, and I want to support them.
So, I did it.
I got to get three wounds. They put pressure dressing and a tourniquet on me. I screamed when I heard a gunshot. I gave an interview to a "reporter". I begged co-workers to help me. I tried to kill the assailant with a pair of scissors.
It was fun. And scary. And sad. And eye-opening.
Now, in a real situation, I'd be under a table crying, I think. I wouldn't try to fight or be a hero. Maybe I'd run. I'm not fleet of foot though. So who knows.
What I do know is...
I still hate guns.
And I still love wound makeup:
If I get more photos, I'll post them. Maybe.
* Stereotype? Maybe. But stereotypes exist for a reason.
If you're curious, read on.
One of the things we do at my company is build web-based content for safety training.
And one of the hot topics these days is "Active Shooter" training - basically, when a crazy white dude with a gun* comes into the office, what do you do?
So, this weekend, I volunteered to be at the office while they taped and photographed footage for a new class they wanted to create.
It was... interesting.
I hate violence. I hate guns. So, it was kind of odd for me to step up and spend a day with all that. But, what it really came down to was this - I love special effects make-up and acting. I also love the people in the content development department, and I want to support them.
So, I did it.
I got to get three wounds. They put pressure dressing and a tourniquet on me. I screamed when I heard a gunshot. I gave an interview to a "reporter". I begged co-workers to help me. I tried to kill the assailant with a pair of scissors.
It was fun. And scary. And sad. And eye-opening.
Now, in a real situation, I'd be under a table crying, I think. I wouldn't try to fight or be a hero. Maybe I'd run. I'm not fleet of foot though. So who knows.
What I do know is...
I still hate guns.
And I still love wound makeup:
If I get more photos, I'll post them. Maybe.
* Stereotype? Maybe. But stereotypes exist for a reason.