It's a good week. Lots of fun people in the office - including me!
We went shopping for some back to school duds for the neighbor kid - he's eleven now, and his middle school doesn't do uniforms, which is kind of a bummer, except if you're him. He likes comfortable clothes in bright colors - so we picked up some fun stuff. Including some killer fun football cleats - they're kind of zazzy in a black and white stripey pattern:
Not these, exactly, but close. I was the one who spotted them first. Tell me you don't now want to start playing football.
He's a fun kid. We went to get gyros for supper afterward. His choice. Great kid.
Piper is doing great. Starting to mellow. She loves her outdoor kennel, and I think it makes a big difference for all three of us.
Work is good - I had customers in the office yesterday who I've known for awhile and I like a lot. They specifically requested me for the assignment.
I'm jamming out to show tunes, comedy and British Invasion on the Pandora today.
I had lunch with one of my BFFs - Chinese. Tonight, I'm going to cook a nice healthy supper and enjoy some time with my girl.
Dinner out tomorrow night with aforementioned fun people.
I feel good. For the first time in a long time, I don't feel constantly angry.
We went shopping for some back to school duds for the neighbor kid - he's eleven now, and his middle school doesn't do uniforms, which is kind of a bummer, except if you're him. He likes comfortable clothes in bright colors - so we picked up some fun stuff. Including some killer fun football cleats - they're kind of zazzy in a black and white stripey pattern:
Not these, exactly, but close. I was the one who spotted them first. Tell me you don't now want to start playing football.
He's a fun kid. We went to get gyros for supper afterward. His choice. Great kid.
Piper is doing great. Starting to mellow. She loves her outdoor kennel, and I think it makes a big difference for all three of us.
Work is good - I had customers in the office yesterday who I've known for awhile and I like a lot. They specifically requested me for the assignment.
I'm jamming out to show tunes, comedy and British Invasion on the Pandora today.
I had lunch with one of my BFFs - Chinese. Tonight, I'm going to cook a nice healthy supper and enjoy some time with my girl.
Dinner out tomorrow night with aforementioned fun people.
I feel good. For the first time in a long time, I don't feel constantly angry.