Why July to me?

More frivolity via e mail.  I sent this out on Friday.  I have a small but loyal group who have agreed to help:


I’d like to thank [Name Redacted] for coming up with what is, let’s face it, a genius idea:

Dipmas in July!!!

Why?  Well, one – because clearly, we’re all wasting away to nothing here.  Emaciated.  That nurse who came in to do the health testing this week was commenting on what a scrawny, puny workforce we are.

Two, because we want to generate a little advance hype.  Thanks to you, and many others last year, Dipmas was an astounding success.  But we need to think bigger.  No, BIGGER.

Here’s where you come in.  We are going to do a single day of Dipmas on July 25th.  One day only – the purpose is to familiarize the newbies with the concept of Dipmas so that come December,  every single one of the 12 Days of Dipmas is literally overflowing with dip.  We may, come this chilly Winter, have to set up a long piece of tarp down the hallway, cover it in  warm queso and pile up tortilla chips at the end – creating the world’s first Dip ‘n’ Slide!

But I’m getting ahead of myself. 

On July 25th, can you participate?  It doesn’t have to be big, it doesn’t have to be fancy.  I just need a small, tasteful and tasty selection of dips to get people excited.

It’s not mission critical, but we wanted to give you the chance to make Dip History.

Let me know.


PS – Please feel to pass this along to anyone you know who has some space on their calendar to make the 25th amazing.
