Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's the humidty? Not enough sleep or too much?
The point is, I'm not at my best. I realize I'm cranky, a little foggy... and I think I have early PMS.
The robin from last week's post flew the coop before laying her clutch. Effing robins.
Tomorrow, I head to Washington DC for work for a few days. Normally, I'd be stoked. Normally I wouldn't be traveling with a pack of divas, too.
I'm really not kidding.
Six people, traveling from two locations. Three flights, three rental cars, three different hotels. Would that I were kidding.
Meanwhile, it's hot here in Nashville, and my hair looks like deep fried pine straw.
I'm sitting here, eating watermelon and knowing I need to pack. But I don't want to.
Because I hate all the clothes I own, because I'm a cow.
And I'm not going to Zumba tonight because I have a little heat rash that would be best served to not sweat into.
Just saying.
On the upside, I did find my wallet that went missed at 7:48 this morning as I was trying to leave for work. Oh well. It was hiding under a pile of things in our Butler's Pantry.
We don't have a butler. Maybe I should get one.
Wish me luck in our Nation's Capital - I will need it.
Photos surely to follow.
The point is, I'm not at my best. I realize I'm cranky, a little foggy... and I think I have early PMS.
The robin from last week's post flew the coop before laying her clutch. Effing robins.
Tomorrow, I head to Washington DC for work for a few days. Normally, I'd be stoked. Normally I wouldn't be traveling with a pack of divas, too.
I'm really not kidding.
Six people, traveling from two locations. Three flights, three rental cars, three different hotels. Would that I were kidding.
Meanwhile, it's hot here in Nashville, and my hair looks like deep fried pine straw.
I'm sitting here, eating watermelon and knowing I need to pack. But I don't want to.
Because I hate all the clothes I own, because I'm a cow.
And I'm not going to Zumba tonight because I have a little heat rash that would be best served to not sweat into.
Just saying.
On the upside, I did find my wallet that went missed at 7:48 this morning as I was trying to leave for work. Oh well. It was hiding under a pile of things in our Butler's Pantry.
We don't have a butler. Maybe I should get one.
Wish me luck in our Nation's Capital - I will need it.
Photos surely to follow.