Shimmy and bounce.

So, a few years ago, on a Friday after a day at work that had been terribly, terribly annoying and disappointing, Matt and I made our way to the Belcourt to go see the Music City Burlesque perform in their annual Spring Break or Bust Show (get it?).

I fell in love immediately.  It felt like the closest women could ever get to doing drag.  It was silly, and sexy and campy, and I loved it.  Who wouldn't?  I mean, really?

At the show, they had flyers about a site they were launching that contained info on classes, workshops, and so on and so on.  I committed the URL to memory and checked in from time to time.

The class I wanted to take never fell on a day that worked for me.  Once, my sister was in town and I suggested we go together.  She wasn't feeling it.  Oh well.

So today, the stars and planets aligned, and I took the class.

It was a two hour workshop on...

Tassel Twirling.

The instructor, who I had loved onstage because her body looked more like mine than say, Heidi Klum's, taught us how to make our own pasties and tassels, how to apply them - how to cheat them to make your breasts look bigger, perkier, more centered... and then we got down to putting them on and grooving.

I wasn't the worst in the class, I wasn't the best.  I saw eight other pairs of breasts, up close and personal.  Some were big, some smaller, but none of us were "perfect".   And it was great.

I had fun, I had a good workout, and now I'm going to take some more classes. 

It's never bad to have a few extra skills, right?

And although I have a photo of me with my instructor... in our pasties...

I'll share this one instead:

I actually need bigger tassels.  Which means I'm heading to JoAnn's or Hobby Lobby SOON.

Keep bouncing.

