So, earlier this week, I had a bad day. They don’t happen often, but this one just
kind of hit me like a ton of bricks.
I snapped at a few people – for reasons both justified and
irrational, and I threw a hissy fit late in the day when I got on the scale at
Weight Watchers, and found the number not to my liking.
On my drive home, I decomped in the car and finished off the
night scowling in front of the TV.
Part of the problem is that I hadn’t slept well or enough
the night before. Lola woke up wheezing
and coughing, and we never really got back to sleep. Matt even went into work at 5AM to get a jump
on his workload.
So I went into the day in a fog, and when people started
getting loud in my workspace, I suggested to the two managers making the noise
that they had perfectly good office and they were being “loud as hell”. Charming.
Later in the day, I made some suggestions to another manager
(a kid I hired four years ago), that perhaps we should hold our developers
responsible for things that were broken.
I dropped multiple F bombs in his office. A blue streak.
And, as I said, I
nearly flipped a table Weight Watchers.
So yeah. Awesome.
And I looked at the calendar and I thought…
Ohhhh, PMS… awesome.
OK, that makes sense now.
(If you have never seen this SNL fake ad, get thee to Hulu immediately)
I totally hate that my emotions are guided by little more
than moon cycle. Seriously.
Whatever. The good
news is – I rarely fall apart like that.
And thank heaven, because I felt sooo crazy.
After a good cry and a good night’s sleep, I felt way
better. And now it’s Friday. And that feels amazing.
We don’t have much planned this weekend, and that’s OK with
me. I need to hit the Y again, and again
and again. I do like the classes – I need
to find more of them.
I’m not telling you anything I haven’t told you before. That’s the simple truth.
There are a lot of simple truths.
That’s about all.