I like cake, for heaven's sake.
Yes, that's a slab of coconut cake and it was so tasty.
My jeans fit, but I have got to get back in the saddle.
Anyway, we met with our customer, we got back on the plane and came on home. Friday was more getting things in order - both at work, then at home. Matt's friend Chris came and visited this weekend.
For the most part, we chilled, and that was perfectly fine with me. The first level of the house is in good shape. The attic is reminiscent of an episode of Hoarders, but I'll manage that sooner rather than later.
Chris left a few minutes ago, I'm doing laundry, and we have some crock-pot Chicken Tikka Masala bubbling away to be eaten at our convenience.
And that's the first week of 2012 in review. I mean, slow, kind of not much worth mentioning - but so far, so good.
Oh, and I guess - I should mention that Lola turned 13 this week. Estimated, of course.
Since she was believed to be 6 weeks old when my parents found her on 2/13/1999, we can extrapolate and estimate her birthday to be 1/1/1999. Why not? Alternately, she could share a birthday with Dad, or she could have been a true Christmas puppy. Point being, she is now 13.
I'm too young to have a teenaged dog. Sob!
Lola acts too young to be 13. I took her to PetSmart for a nail trim Saturday, then since we were in the neighborhood, I tried out Dizzy's Dog Wash - as it turns out, I prefer Wags and Whiskers in East Nashville, but Dizzy's is waaaaay more convenient, so guess where we'll go back...
Anyway - when she's all clean and fancy, she feels so good and acts far younger than she is. If only it worked that way for me. I mean, I do stand taller after a good pedicure or haircut.
Spa - the universal fountain of youth.
I'm going to check on my Masala now...