R and R (rafting and relaxing)

I went on the annual group trip we take with some of our friends every year over the weekend.  It was excellent.

We ate, drank and were merry.  We rafted, relaxed, napped and played Apples to Apples.

It was exactly what I needed.

I feel great.

I'd feel better if I wasn't coming up on the week from Hell.  Training, travel, travel, training.  A wedding to round it all out, but boy, I need a haircut, a brow wax, a pedicure and good news...cyst removal is just around the corner.  I'll feel like a new person.

And I guess that's all for now.  I just want to thank you, Ocoee River, and annual trip group.

I want to thank you, for letting me be myself, again.
I never said she was crazy, I said she was effing Goofy.

