What a great weekend. First of all, the hair. Just a liiiiiittle shorter than I requested, but super cute and really easy. Yay!
I hit up Water Aerobics, where my neighbor, Robin was kicking it - we talked and did the workout. I decided to bail on Zumba. I went and got dry-cleaning, bought a wedding present and came back to the crib.
Last night, we saw my old boss, Dennis, marry his lovely bride Lindsey. Fantastic! The flowers were insane, the food was delicious, and a super nice crowd. Who doesn't have a good time at weddings?
They had mini cupcakes, and they were insane. Don't even ask how many I ate. Suffice it to say, the strawberry, the lemon, and the coconut were my favorite. To say nothing of the mocha and the chocolate.
I also learned that a woman I do water aerobics with is a friend of Dennis' mother.
Today we caught up on sleep, went to REI and hit up the Farmers Market for squash, tomatoes and speckled butter beans. Oh, and peaches. Just because.
I finally restocked the house after an exciting trip to Kroger, where I had to give the stink eye to a woman in her Jazzy scooter who, along with her daughter who had a cart, blocked up every aisle they went down.
What can I say? Exciting stuff.
Dinner tonight was excellent. We had fresh veggies, chicken...wonderful.
And we ate in the dining room. Which, for us is pretty crazy.
Tomorrow, the giant cyst on my scalp goes away. And if that goes OK - Zumba.
Life is sweet.