It's been a good weekend - starting with an early lead-in Thursday night - baseball with Colby, Jim and Diane (and beers, three light beers). As penance, I doubled up at the YMCA on Saturday morning - Aquafit/Zumba - a one-two punch. Then we had Indian for lunch (I behaved, I swear) followed by giving up a pint at the Red Cross.
After that, it was haircut time.
I came home with a new cute 'do, rested, then we went to Matt's colleague Michelle's house to celebrate her move to Los Angeles.
This morning, Sebastian came over and we watched Matt's directorial debut, and went out to the Pfunky Griddle for pancakes. I did OK. Since I didn't eat breakfast, this meal was a twofer.
My biggest problem this weekend is being surrounded by great food and having to control portion sizes. It was really hard at Sitar, because I crave curry. Constantly.
That said, I've behaved as well as can be expected. But it's 4:10 and I'm ready to eat. And I want to eat something that will stick with me, and plenty of it.
Plus that 30 pound specter looms before me.
Can you believe, on top of that, I'm still waiting to hear where I stand on the Fitness Challenge. It ended nearly two weeks ago, and they haven't announced a winner.
Annoying. Seb told me today he thinks I'll win big. I'd like that. At this point, I just want some closure.
I am going to go down for a few days over the weekend and spend time in the mountains with Dad, clearing debris, waiting for insurance adjustors, etc. I am looking forward to it.
For now though, I need to come up with plans for the rest of my day. Laundry? Groceries? Cooking/cleaning?
It's only fair.
After that, it was haircut time.
I came home with a new cute 'do, rested, then we went to Matt's colleague Michelle's house to celebrate her move to Los Angeles.
This morning, Sebastian came over and we watched Matt's directorial debut, and went out to the Pfunky Griddle for pancakes. I did OK. Since I didn't eat breakfast, this meal was a twofer.
My biggest problem this weekend is being surrounded by great food and having to control portion sizes. It was really hard at Sitar, because I crave curry. Constantly.
That said, I've behaved as well as can be expected. But it's 4:10 and I'm ready to eat. And I want to eat something that will stick with me, and plenty of it.
Plus that 30 pound specter looms before me.
Can you believe, on top of that, I'm still waiting to hear where I stand on the Fitness Challenge. It ended nearly two weeks ago, and they haven't announced a winner.
Annoying. Seb told me today he thinks I'll win big. I'd like that. At this point, I just want some closure.
I am going to go down for a few days over the weekend and spend time in the mountains with Dad, clearing debris, waiting for insurance adjustors, etc. I am looking forward to it.
For now though, I need to come up with plans for the rest of my day. Laundry? Groceries? Cooking/cleaning?
It's only fair.