"Leave it to Beaver"

So, more than once in the past few weeks, the topic of hair "down there" has come to the forefront (heh).

And, you know me - I'm down with OPP.  Yeah, you know me.

So, here's what happened.  We were at a party, with several people I work with, and we got on the topic of bathroom etiquette, when one of the guests went on a mini-rant about hairs left on the seat. This devolved into a discussion on acceptable amounts of hair, the maintenance techniques thereof, and a sampling of opinions on how much muff is enuff.

I'm a member of a silent minority on this matter.  My feeling is, as long as you don't have sideburns creeping out of your bathing suit, you're good to go with whatever works for you.  I've never waxed, and I don't plan to.  My landscaping methods are either Nair or a razor, and as to aesthetic, I don't want to look like a 10 year-old-girl in my nether regions.  And for that matter, I never wanted to be with a guy who wants that for me - or himself.   In fact, I kind of like the 70s Porno Look.  There, I said it.

Luckily, I have a husband who agrees with me on both points and so it has never been an issue.

I had kind of forgotten about this until a High School classmate of mine posted on Facebook this morning, wondering why it's the women who shouldn't parade naked in the locker room at the Y who are most likely to do just that.

Well, I'm "guilty".  Ok, I don't parade, but I'm going to peel off my bathing suit and rinse it while wrapped in a towel, then put it in the salad spinner thingy that centrifuges all the water out of it.  And because it's convenient, I'm going to do that before I get dressed.  And I'm not going to lock myself in a bathroom stall to put clothes on.

I replied to her that if I was a cautionary tale to the Vandy and Belmont coeds, so be it.

She then mentioned needing to take a weed wacker with her next time.

So, yeah.  People seem to have a real problem with "fun fur".

But I'm still not waxing and I'm not going to hide in a corner of the locker room after Water Aerobics just because my lady garden runs wild and I have a big, pale gut.

Also, I said ovaries in front of my new boss and her boss at lunch today.

Live fearlessly.  Walk naked in the locker room.  And be hairy, damn it.


Anonymous said…
There are no words to adequately describe how much I enjoy your story telling, opinions, life views etc.