Dinner is in the oven, an old episode of Arrested Development playing on the TV. Life is good.
So, I got a feeder for the front porch, and so far, I cannot seem to get a single feathered friend interested. Come on, really? What do I have to do? Nyjer seeds? Sunflower seeds? Diamonds?
Lola needs a bath, but I have a headache and just want to crash. I can't tell if it's stress, sinuses, teeth grinding (which, duh, might be stress). At some point, it's merely academic. I've been hitting the fake tylenol...
Zumba last night kicked my ass, given that I hadn't been in so many weeks. Also, lots of women in class seemed to be auditioning for something last night. Relax ladies, it's supposed to be fun.
Not much else to say. Work, housework, working out. I need play time.