After 9:30 AM Zumba with Lorenza's sub, Tiffany yesterday, I'm what you might call a little stove up. Or, to be more specific, sore. It was the squat thrusts that did it. Good for me, but a little more than I'm used to.
So today while Matt was on his bike ride, I put Birkenstock to pavement and took Lola on a neighborhood stroll. Our pace was a leisurely/brisk combo. Brisk enough to make it exercise, but leisurely enough to notice all the pretty houses, the interesting things our neighbors have planted, and of course, it gave Lola the time to pee a half dozen times and throw herself down and roll in the grass a few times as well.
Highlights - the house that's been newly repainted red a few blocks from ours, the smell of honeysuckle, the cool breezy weather, and the house with the variegated marigolds in front. Love me some marigolds. They were part of my wedding bouquet. The highlights for Lola were barking at the black and white dog who lives across the street from the aforementioned red house, rolling in the grass near the Nashville Schools Media Building and peeing on a patch of gravel.
Today we're buying pepper plants at the Farmer's Market, and we'll probably have lunch at Jamaicaway.
Me, I'm trying to eat better - I got healthy food in the house for that very purpose, and so far, not too bad. I had the stuffed eggplant at Mama Mia's last night, but can you blame me? What would have been the better choice? Exactly.
Baby steps. Baby steps.
So today while Matt was on his bike ride, I put Birkenstock to pavement and took Lola on a neighborhood stroll. Our pace was a leisurely/brisk combo. Brisk enough to make it exercise, but leisurely enough to notice all the pretty houses, the interesting things our neighbors have planted, and of course, it gave Lola the time to pee a half dozen times and throw herself down and roll in the grass a few times as well.
Highlights - the house that's been newly repainted red a few blocks from ours, the smell of honeysuckle, the cool breezy weather, and the house with the variegated marigolds in front. Love me some marigolds. They were part of my wedding bouquet. The highlights for Lola were barking at the black and white dog who lives across the street from the aforementioned red house, rolling in the grass near the Nashville Schools Media Building and peeing on a patch of gravel.
Today we're buying pepper plants at the Farmer's Market, and we'll probably have lunch at Jamaicaway.
Me, I'm trying to eat better - I got healthy food in the house for that very purpose, and so far, not too bad. I had the stuffed eggplant at Mama Mia's last night, but can you blame me? What would have been the better choice? Exactly.
Baby steps. Baby steps.