Last night, I got a little taste of Haterade from Sebastian and Alex, who both felt my shout out to them during my year-end review (see previous post) was weak. Now, they had been drinking, so they might have just been pulling my chain, but point taken.
Alex and Seb - for what it's worth, last night was without a doubt the BEST New Year's Eve ever. EVER. E-V-E-R. Thanks to you both!
They always say New Year's Eve is when the amateurs go out to party, and maybe that's true - the pros can't possibly limit their craft to one night a year.
Our plan was simple - spend the evening hanging out with our two favorite bachelors and some of their friends from Kentucky at their house - maybe play a little XBox 360 - whatevs. As my friend Abby from O-House Dorm Freshman Year would have said, "No big whoop."
So I crock-potted up some meatballs, gathered up the cheese that Dad sent home with us as well as the wine that Alex had requested, and we headed East on 40.
When we arrived at their house, Seb announced we had lane reservations at Donelson Bowl at 10PM.
So, we dropped off the snacks and spirits and caravanned to this place:

When we arrived, I learned that for $40 per couple, we could bowl from 10P - 2A. Plus funny hats and noisemakers, plus a DJ who played nothing but great 12:30 AM Pancake Breakfast.
Eight of us slow-bowled, spared, striked and guttered our way into the New Year.
And it was awesome.
Now comes to the part where I plug my favorite Mt. Julietians - Seb, Alex - you're the tops. For some reason, you've decided to include me and Matt in your lives, and we're lucky to have you.
May 2009 bring lots of fun and happy times!
And to that DJ, wherever he is...thanks for playing Brickhouse. Nothing says NYE like the Commodores.
PS - Guys, when you're done with the meatballs, can I have my Crock Pot back? Thanks!
Alex and Seb - for what it's worth, last night was without a doubt the BEST New Year's Eve ever. EVER. E-V-E-R. Thanks to you both!
They always say New Year's Eve is when the amateurs go out to party, and maybe that's true - the pros can't possibly limit their craft to one night a year.
Our plan was simple - spend the evening hanging out with our two favorite bachelors and some of their friends from Kentucky at their house - maybe play a little XBox 360 - whatevs. As my friend Abby from O-House Dorm Freshman Year would have said, "No big whoop."
So I crock-potted up some meatballs, gathered up the cheese that Dad sent home with us as well as the wine that Alex had requested, and we headed East on 40.
When we arrived at their house, Seb announced we had lane reservations at Donelson Bowl at 10PM.
So, we dropped off the snacks and spirits and caravanned to this place:

When we arrived, I learned that for $40 per couple, we could bowl from 10P - 2A. Plus funny hats and noisemakers, plus a DJ who played nothing but great 12:30 AM Pancake Breakfast.
Eight of us slow-bowled, spared, striked and guttered our way into the New Year.
And it was awesome.
Now comes to the part where I plug my favorite Mt. Julietians - Seb, Alex - you're the tops. For some reason, you've decided to include me and Matt in your lives, and we're lucky to have you.
May 2009 bring lots of fun and happy times!
And to that DJ, wherever he is...thanks for playing Brickhouse. Nothing says NYE like the Commodores.
PS - Guys, when you're done with the meatballs, can I have my Crock Pot back? Thanks!