Book Report

My sister just read, then mailed to me, her copy of Tori Spelling's memoir - sTori Telling.

It wasn't what my 11th Grade English teacher would have called "Capital 'L' literature", but it was a fun, easy read. I finished it in a night. I read fast, and this went down like cotton candy.

Earlier in the week, I finished God's Harvard by Hanna Rosin - a Washington Post reporter who spent a year at Patrick Henry College - a haven for homeschooled kids who want to pursue a life in politics. It was a good read - basically, she fleshed out an article that first appeared in the New Yorker in 2005. Good stuff.

I like chick lit pretty well - Matt calls them "leg and shoe books" - which is to say, most chick lit has a picture of a woman's legs and/or a pair of expensive shoes on the cover. He's right about that - I'm not sure what that means. My most expensive shoes are my Birkenstocks.

Also, another sign of the times - these days, you can't buy a straightforward trashy romance novel where single woman meets single man who is initially a cad but somehow redeems himself, they have hot sex and fall madly in love.

These days, romance novels seem to involve kids - no, not pedophilia, but titles like, "A Daddy for My Twins". This time, the heroine finds herself with two kids, no daddy, and a man who is initially a cad but then saves the twins from a harrowing ferris wheel accident, beds their mama and they all live happily ever after.

Or so I'd assume. I haven't bought a Harlequin in about a decade (when I met Matt) - the last one I got was about a rich doctor and a poor nurse who bickered at work and made up in bed. Sure, there were a few plot twists, but you get the gist.

As chick lit goes, one of my favorites is exceedingly Old School - Little Women - which I read on a plane from Paris to Atlanta back in 1998 - I leave it around to pick up and enjoy at random. I identify with Jo - as do a lot of women, based on conversations I've had over the years.

I'm always looking for a good read. Time constraints tend to limit me to magazines, but I'll read just about anything.
